3.6 [LibraryClasses] Sections

These are optional sections.


Defines the EDK II [LibraryClasses] section content. The Library Class entries are single lines with one or two fields, separated by the pipe "|" character.

The EDK II build system will provide an option to generate an "As Built" INF that can be used to distribution binary modules. Since a binary distribution does not build, the library instances that were linked into the binary are listed in comments, rather than as library class keywords and recommended instances. Tools that create "As Built" information must expand any macro values used by the tools during the module build. Listing a library class keyword outside of the "As Built" information is prohibited.

Each library class keyword must only be listed once in a library classes section. Library class keywords listed in architectural sections are not permitted to be listed in the common architectural section.

The "common" architecture modifier in a section tag must not be combined with other architecture type; doing so will result in a build break.

The use of any form of the word "NULL" (as in "Null" or "null") as a keyword in the entries is prohibited.


<LibraryClasses>     ::= "[LibraryClasses" [<com_attrs>] "]" <EOL>
<com_attrs>          ::= {".common"} {<attrs>}
<attrs>              ::= <Archs> ["," <TS> "LibraryClasses" <attrs>]*
<Archs>              ::= "." <arch>
<Statements>         ::= {<SourceContent>*} {<AsBuiltInfo>}
<SourceContent>      ::= <TS> {<SourceStmts>} {<MacroDefinition>}
<SourceStmts>        ::= [<RecInstanceCmt> <Filename> <EOL>] <TS> <Keyword>
                         [<Field2>] <EOL>
<RecInstanceCmt>     ::= "##" <MTS> "@RecommendedInstance" <MTS>
<NoN>                ::= (A-MO-Z)
<NoU>                ::= (a-tv-zA-TV-Z0-9)
<NoL>                ::= (a-km-zA-TV-Z0-9)
<Keyword>            ::= {(A-Z) (a-zA-Z0-9){0,2}}
                         {(A-Z) (a-zA-Z0-9){4,}}
                         {<NoN> (a-zA-Z0-9){1,}}
                         {(A-Z) <NoU> (a-zA-Z0-9){0,}}
                         {(A-Z) (a-zA-Z0-9) <NoL> (a-zA-Z0-9){0,}}
                         {(A-Z) (a-zA-Z0-9){2} <NoL>(a-zA-Z0-9){0,}}
<Field2>             ::= <FS> <FeatureFlagExpress>
<FeatureFlagExpress> ::= <Boolean>
<AsBuiltInfo>        ::= <TS> "##" <MTS> "@LIB_INSTANCES" <WS>
<LibInstance>        ::= <TS> "#" <TS> <InfFile> <EOL>



This is a keyword that uniquely identifies a library class required to successfully execute the driver.


Filenames listed in the Recommended Instance comment in the [LibraryClasses] section must be a package relative path. Use of "..", "." and "../" in the directory path is not permitted. If the Recommended Instance INF file is a member a Package (the Package contains a DEC file) the Package (DEC file) of must also be present in the [Packages] section. Use of an absolute path is prohibited.


When present, the feature flag expression determines whether the entry line is valid. If the feature flag expression evaluates to FALSE, this entry will be ignored by the EDK II build tools.


  DEFINE MDE = MdePkg/Library
  ## @RecommendedInstance $(MDE)/BaseDebugLibNull/BaseDebugLibNull.inf
  ## @RecommendedInstance $(MDE)/UefiDriverModelLib/UefiDriverModelLib.inf
  ## @RecommendedInstance $(MDE)/BaseLib/BaseLib.inf